
Name Job Favourite Color
1 Cy Ganderton Quality Control Specialist Blue
2 Hart Hagerty Desktop Support Technician Purple
3 Brice Swyre Tax Accountant Red
Attribute Type Documentation Default Value
id :string
rows :list
row_id :any the function for generating the row id
row_click :any the function for handling phx-click on each row
row_item :any the function for mapping each row before calling the :col and :action slots &Function.identity/1
zebra :boolean false
size :string
rest :global
col :slot
action :slot the slot for showing user actions in the last table column
inner_block :slot
    <.th>Favourite Color</.th>
  <!-- row 1 -->
    <.td>Cy Ganderton</.td>
    <.td>Quality Control Specialist</.td>
  <!-- row 2 -->
    <.td>Hart Hagerty</.td>
    <.td>Desktop Support Technician</.td>
  <!-- row 3 -->
    <.td>Brice Swyre</.td>
    <.td>Tax Accountant</.td>