This storybook was was generated with Phoenix Storybook. Explore this library by navigating in the sidebar menu.
Reference this repository on your mix.exs
file to start using.
def deps do
{:daisy_ui_components, "~> 0.1"}
Add through npm
the daisy UI package inside your phoenix application:
cd assets
npm i -D daisyui@latest
On tailwind.config.js
include Live DaisyUI Components under the content list and reference under plugins
module.exports = {
content: [
"../deps/daisy_ui_components/**/*.*ex" // <- reference DaisyUIComponents as content path
plugins: [
require("daisyui") <- // add daisyUI plugin
Add error translation function to your app’s config.exs file. This function is used to translate ecto changeset errors
config :daisy_ui_components, translate_function: &MyAppWeb.CoreComponents.translate_error/1
And now this library is ready. To have the components available under liveview, import the components on the web folder
defp html_helpers do
quote do
use DaisyUIComponents
# HTML escaping functionality
import Phoenix.HTML
# Core UI components from Live DaisyUI
import DaisyUIComponents.CoreComponents
# import YourProjectWeb.CoreComponents
# Importing CoreComponents from your project is no longer necessary since
# DaisyUIComponents.CoreComponents offers a drop in replacement
# If you still want to use your own core components, remember to delete the default components generated from phoenix in this file
# ...
and that’s it! You can use the components in your application
def button_primary(assigns) do
<.button color="primary">
Button with primary color
This should be enough to get you started, but you can use the tabs in the upper-right corner of this page to check out advanced usage guides.